Make the Holidays Meaningful Again

The holiday season is upon us. Some of you will greet it with joyful anticipation. Others not so much. I’ve felt joy, sadness, anxiety and all of the other holiday emotions in past years. This year I’m determined to make the season meaningful and I invite you to join me on this quest.
Making the Holidays - Sign Up
Advent is the traditional beginning of the Christian liturgical year. It’s a time of waiting with expectation for the fulfillment of old promises and long held hopes. The traditional Advent candles represent the virtues of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. I’ve written a series of essays, reflection prompts and blessings for you, based on these themes. If you accept the offer, I’ll send them to you (in print and audio format) on the first four Sundays in December and New Year’s Day.

This is my holiday gift to you. Sent with love. To accept it just enter your information in the box above.


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